Welcoming Spring Visitors: A Guide to What Birds are Visiting Your Garden in Spring

As the vibrant colours of spring grace our gardens, across the country we see the arrival of a wide variety of different species looking for food, water and shelter. Attracting these feathered visitors to your garden not only adds beauty to your outdoor space, Below are some of the common bird species that frequent UK gardens during Spring, as well as how best to support their dietary needs.


The Robin (Erithacus rubecula):

The quintessential symbol of British gardens, Robins are a beautiful sight with its red breast and cheerfulness. These small birds are known for their inquisitive nature and friendly disposition. To entice Robins to your garden, offer them a variety of food. Some of their favourites are mealworms and suet products such as suet pellets, blocks and fat balls. Providing a shallow water source is also appreciated.

blue tit

The Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus):

Recognisable by their bright blue and yellow plumage, Blue Tits are agile and acrobatic visitors to gardens. They are fond of insects, caterpillars, and spiders, making them valuable allies in natural pest control. Supplement their natural diet by offering sunflower seeds, peanuts, fat balls and mealworms. Specially designed feeders with small access holes are ideal for these nimble birds.


The Great Tit (Parus major):

Closely related to Blue Tits, Great Tits share similar dietary preferences. These bold and charismatic birds have a distinct black head, white cheeks and a vibrant yellow-green body. Along with insects and spiders, they love seeds, peanuts, and suet-based products. Ensure your feeders have enough space for their larger size.


The Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs):

Chaffinches are a common sight in UK gardens, especially during spring. The males showcase a striking pink breast and a slate-blue crown, while females have more subtle plumage. These particular finches prefer seeds, including sunflower hearts, black sunflower seeds, and nyjer seeds. Dining stations or seed trays can attract chaffinches, allowing them to forage comfortably.


The Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis):

Goldfinches are known for their stunning plumage, featuring vibrant red faces, black and white wings, and yellow accents. They have a distinct preference for Nyjer seeds, making them a bright addition to gardens. Nyjer feeders with small ports are ideal for these small-beaked finches.